Our Statements

Open and Affirming Covenant of Inclusion

We are an open and affirming congregation. Wherever you are on your faith journey, you are welcome here. 

We welcome individuals of all sexual orientations and gender identities, of all races and ethnicities, 

of all ages, backgrounds and abilities, and we welcome families of all kinds.


Mission Statement

The Edgebrook Community Church is an open-hearted, open-minded Christian Community seeking to know God's word, 

dedicated to living the faith and making it real in our lives and in our community.


Vision Statement

As members of Edgebrook Community Church, 

we shall strive to bring together persons of faith to worship God and grow in spirituality while affirming the dignity of all persons.  

We will endeavor to share our gifts by supporting each other physically, emotionally and spiritually.  

We shall undertake to renew our spirits to live our faith and to inspire God's presence in our community.

Core Values





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